Snowball is launching its first sticker packs! Our team has been designing these stickers for months and they’re finally out! Now available on Whatsapp and Signal. For Line users, stay tuned because the stickers are still under review. Here are some previews!

Our first sticker pack represents a mix of our #DrinkOrNot campaign and #MilkTeaAlliance. As seen above, we included some of the most well-known drinks from countries that are in the #MilkTeaAlliance: #Taiwan, #India, #Myanmar, #Thailand, #HongKong. Also some reactions that we usually use for our #DrinkOrNot ratings. Through these stickers, we hope that users can express their support for #humanrights and #ethicalconsumption

Before launching the stickers, we asked for ideas from our Twitter followers – we’re happy to unveil the stickers based on your suggestions! These 2 stickers are made based on Twitter users @AlexMyanmar13’s and @PacStandardTW ‘s ideas. The ‘Drink Boba Not Kool Aid’ sticker explanation: Drinking the Kool-aid is an expression used to refer to a person who believes in a possibly doomed or dangerous idea, often following it blindly. We say it’s better to drink boba (created in the free country of Taiwan) than to drink the Kool-aid of CCP propaganda!
As our #DrinkOrNot campaign can be used as a reference regarding how worthy a boba shop is, we expect that consumers can consume wisely and help improve human rights and freedom worldwide.
Here are the links and don’t forget to download our sticker pack and tag us when you use it!