中央廣播電台(RTI Radio Taiwan International)採訪Snowball共同創辦人Colin Hodge,談到我們可以如何改變自己的消費習慣,來支持人權。
Tune in: 你支持對人權友善的企業嗎?

Colin Hodge, co-founder of the Snowball Community
This radio program originally appeared in the Radio Taiwan International.
中央廣播電台(RTI Radio Taiwan International)採訪Snowball共同創辦人Colin Hodge,談到我們可以如何改變自己的消費習慣,來支持人權。
Tune in: 你支持對人權友善的企業嗎?
Colin Hodge, co-founder of the Snowball Community
This radio program originally appeared in the Radio Taiwan International.